This article is briefly listing some obstacles observed while attempting to upgrade the hybris version codebase, from 6.1 to 6.2. This is not an exhaustive list of deprecated extensions, methods or classes, but rather an idea of what sort of things might occur.
getCountryForIsocode(…) is removed from the checkoutFacade, AcceleratorRememberMeServices is modified, and RequestMatcher path has changed.
1/ Removed – getCountryForIsocode(…)
getCountryForIsocode(…) is deprecated and now removed from checkoutFacade. Instead, is has to be called from the i18nFacade.
2/ Modified – AcceleratorRememberMeServices
[yjavac] ERROR in …/storefront/security/ (at line 38)
[yjavac] public class AcceleratorRememberMeServices extends TokenBasedRememberMeServices
[yjavac] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[yjavac] Implicit super constructor TokenBasedRememberMeServices() is undefined for default constructor. Must define an explicit constructor
Resolution: add below constructor
public AcceleratorRememberMeServices(final String key, final UserDetailsService userDetailsService)
super(key, userDetailsService);
3/ Modified – path of RequestMatcher
[yjavac] ERROR in …/storefront/security/ (at line 23)
[yjavac] import;
[yjavac] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[yjavac] The import cannot be resolved
The new path is import;