What if cars could cross-communicate? future case concept (high level)

The more the tech ecosystem advances, the more ideas come to the realm of possibilities. I have not seen yet the following concept being expressed anywhere, so here is a draft description of it.  


The more the tech ecosystem advances, the more ideas come to the realm of possibilities. I have not seen yet the following concept being expressed anywhere, so here is a draft description of it.  

folder_open Concepts, Non classé
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Acol Ehad – First website for need of prayers

Status – On hold, June 2014 Ask for screenshots This is a totally new concept, and I can not reveal all the features of this project yet. Overall, the idea is to offer the possibility


Status – On hold, June 2014 Ask for screenshots This is a totally new concept, and I can not reveal all the features of this project yet. Overall, the idea is to offer the possibility

folder_open Concepts
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Btc101 – New french blog on crypto currencies

This project is intended to the french community, to inform and provide basic guidances of the new technologies related to, and started by Bitcoin. The french medias and information lacks of precision, and is quite


This project is intended to the french community, to inform and provide basic guidances of the new technologies related to, and started by Bitcoin. The french medias and information lacks of precision, and is quite

folder_open Concepts, Crypto
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